Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Miniature portraits

Hans Holbein the Younger

Simon George of Cornwall,1536-37

Anne of Cleves,1539

Edward IV as a child,1543

Francois Clouet

Unknown Lady,c.1545

Catherine de Medici,1555

Unknown Lady, c.1550

Unknown Lady possibly Mary Queen of Scots,c.1555

Mariana of Austria,c.1560

Mary Queen of Scots,c.1565

Portrait of Claude Gouffier,c.1568

Margaret of Valois,1572

Margaret of Valois,1570s

Henriette de Clèves, 4th Duchesse de Nevers,c.1570

Portrait of Cosme de Pascarenges,c.1570

Portrait of a nobleman,1570s

Portrait of a nobleman,1570s

Henry III of France,1571

Unknown Lady,c.1570

Unknown Lady,c.1570

Levina Teerlinc

Coronation miniature portrait of Elizabeth I,1559

Elizabeth I receiving ambassadors,1560

Lady Catherine Gray,1565

Mary Dudley, Lady Sidney, c. 1575

Leonard Limousin

Françoise d'Orléans-Longueville, princesse de Condé,c.1570

Unknown Lady said to be the Duchesse d'Etampes,c.1570

Unfinished miniature of Margaret de Valois,c.1575

Nicholas Hilliard

Unknown Gentleman,1572

Charles Howard, Baron Howard of Effingham ,1576 

Lady Margaret Douglas Countess of Lennox,1576

Francois Duc d'Anjou,1577

Margaret de Valois,1577

Elizabeth I playing the lute,c.1580

Sir Walter Raleigh,1581-84 

Frances Kingsmill,c.1580-85

Elizabeth I,unfinished miniature,1585

Unknown young man,1585

Sir Henry Unton,1586

Unknown Lady,1585-90

Elizabeth I,c. 1587

Young man standing among roses,1588

Portrait of a Young Man, Probably Robert Devereux,1588

Elizabeth I,1585-90

Unknown lady of the Howard Family,1588

Unknown Lady,c.1590

George Clifford, Earl of Cumberland c 1590

Portrait of Sir Anthony Mildmay 1590-93 

Unknown Ladies,1593

Unknown Lady,c.1595

Elizabeth I,1590-1600

Elizabeth I,1590-1600

Anne of Denmark,1590-1600

Elizabeth I,c. 1600

Unknown Lady,1602

James I,c.1600

Frances Walsingham,c.1600

Elizabeth I,c.1600

Penelope Rich,c.1600

Elizabeth I,c.1600

Anne of Denmark,c.1600

Unknown Lady,1590-1600


Elizabeth Princess Royal,c.1605

Elizabeth I,c.1605

James I of England,c.1610

Unknown Lady,c.1615

Isaac Oliver

Unknown Gentleman,1605

Elizabeth Princess Royal,1610s

Lady Lucy Percy,c.1610

Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton c.1610 

The Countess of Bedford,c1610

Oliver Herbert,Baron Herbert of Cherbury,1610-14

Anne of Denmark dressed for a masque,1608-12

A Lady in masquerade costume,c.1610

Lady dressed as Flora,c.1610

Portrait of Lucy Russell, Countess of Bedford,1612

Anne of Denmark,1612

Lucy Harington, Countess of Bedford,1612-16 

Frances Howard Countess of Somerset,1615-20

Goddess Diana,1615

The goddess Diana,c1615

Unknown Lady,c1615

Charles Prince of Wales,c.1615

Richard Sackville,Earl of Dorset,1616

Peter Oliver

The Earl of Pembroke,1617

Venetia Stanley,c1615

Charles Prince of Wales,1615

Lady Lucy Percy,1620s

John Hoskins

Henrietta Maria Queen of England,1632

Charles II as a child,c.1640s

Henrietta Maria Queen of England,1645

Henrietta Maria Queen of England,1640-50

Henrietta Maria Queen of England,1664

Samuel Cooper 

Henrietta Maria Queen of England,1630s

Portrait of a man in armor,c1660

Frances Theresa Stuart,1666

Catherine Braganza Queen of England,c.1665

Jean Daniel Welper

Lady in hunting costume,c.1750

Lady in hunting costume,c.1750.det.

Lady dressed as a pilgrim,c.1750

The daughters of Louis XV dressed for a masque,1758

Jean Marie Ribou

Portrait of a Lady,1780s

Margueritte de Montmorency,Princesse de Conde,1780s

Anne of Austria,1780s

Marie Medici,1780s

Hugh Douglas Hamilton

Emilia Duchess of Leinster,1780s

Portrait of a Gentleman,1780s

Henrietta Molesworth,1780s

Lady Ellen Newport,1780s

John Viscount Crosbie,1780s

Lady Loft as Hebe,1780s

Boris Golytsin,1791

Richard Cosway

George IV while Prince of Wales,1781-82

Mary Robinson as Perdita,c.1780

Luigi Marchesi,c.1780-90

Portrait of Sir James Hamlyn and his wife,1789

John Donaldson

The Honorable William Pitt,c.1780

An officer,c.1780

Portrait of a Lady,c.1780

Lady in a white dress,c.1780-90

Antoine Vestier

Anne Felicite Simone de Serent,1788

Marie Emilie de Serent,1788

Francois Dumont

Portait of a Lady,1780-90s

Portrait of a Lady,1780-1790s

Jean-Baptiste Soyer 

Portrait of a Gentleman,1789

Lady in a blue coat,c.1790

Louis Perin-Salbreux

Young woman with a rose,c.1780

Lady in a park,1790s

Lady in a purple redingote,1790s

Lady reading in a park,1790s

Lady in a white dress,c.1790

Louis Marie Sicard

Lady in a hat,1790s

Portrait of a Lady,1790s

Lady with Feather Hat,1795

Peter Adolf Hall

Portait of a man,1790s

Woman in a white dress,1790s

Nicolas Lavreince  

Madame du Barry after Vigee LeBrun,1780s

Portrait of a Lady,1790s

Lady in a park,1790s

Young lady in Directoire costume,1790s

Augustin Christian Ritt 

Marquise Cherizy and her son,1790s

Sophia Stroganova,1790s

Elisabeth Alexandrovna Empress of Russia,c.1790

Jean Urbain Guerin  

Couple in a park,c.1790

Louis Charles Count of Beaujolais,c.1790

General Kleber,c.1790

Portrait of a Lady,c.1790

 Lady in White Dress with Rose Sprig,1792 

Gentleman in Red-Blue Coat,1796 

Jacques Lemoine

Portait of a singer,c.1790

Portrait of a boy,c.1790

Jean Baptiste Augustin

Young Lady,c.1790

Young lady,c.1800

Francois Dumont

Three Ladies with flowers,1792

Pauline de Chauvigny, Duchess D'Aumont,1794

Unknown Lady,1795

Alexander Molinari

Boris Golytsin,1810

Natalia Zubov,1810

Christopher Raedar,1810-15

Pietro de Rossi

Portrait of a Lady,c.1810

Kirill Alexandr Naryshkin,1815

Alois Gustav Rockstuhl

Nicholas I as a child,1806

Aleksandar Alekseevich Rzhevsky,1807

Grand Duke Constantine Pavlovich,1816

Jean Baptiste Isabey

Empress Marie Louise of France,1810

Elizabeth Alekseevna Empress of Russia,1810

Hortensia Beuharnais Bonaparte Queen of Holland,1812

Dorothea Lieven,1820 

Antheleme Lagrenee

Maria Kochubey,1820s

Portrait of a family,c.1820

Moritz Daffinger

Countess Fernandine Karoly,1840

Maria Dorothea Princess of Wuttemberg,1845

Other Artists

Portrait of Louis Balzac d'Entragues by an unknown artist,1570s

Portrait of a gentleman called Saint-Magrin by an unknown artist,c.1570

Miniature portrait of Queen Elizabeth I by an unknown painter,c1580

Portrait of a Moravian Woman Attributed to Pieter Pietersz the Younger  1590-1600

Henri II de Bourbon, prince de Condé miniature by Jacques de Gheyn ,c.1600

Elizabeth of Brandenbourg by an unknown painter,c.1600

Walburg de Neuenahr, comtesse de Hornes,unknwn artist,c.1600

Philippe de Montmorency comte de Hornes,unknown painter,1600s

Louis XIII after Rubens,1626

Portrait of a Lady,c.1630

Charles I of England by Henri Toutin,1636

Portrait of a man by Franz Kessler,c.1650

Portrait of a young Lady,Spanish unknown artist,c.1650

Spanish Lady,anon.,c.1650

Catherine of Braganza by Jacob Huysmans,c.1660

Portrait of a Nobleman,anon.,c.1720-30

Karl Alexander, Duke of Lorraine by anon.,1740s

Lady in Hunting Costume by anon.,1750s

Gentleman in Mauve Coat by anon.,c.1760

Marie Françoise Catherine Marquise de Boufflers by anon.,c.1760

Anna Amalie, Princess of Prussia by anon.,c.1760

The Lomellis Children by anon.,c.1760

Wilhelmine of Hesse-Kassel hunting costume by anon.,c.1760

Portrait of a Lady by Robert Mussard,c.1760

Lady at a Balustrade by Karol Bechon,1765

Count Grigory Orlov by anon.,c.1700 

Count Grigory Orlov by anon.,c.1700 

Portrait of a Lady by anon.,1770s

Portrait of a Lady in blue dress by anon.,1770s

Mary Robinson as Perdita by William Artaud,c.1780

Stéphanie-Félicité du Crest de Saint-Aubin, comtesse de Genlis by anon.,1780 s

Unknown Lady by anon,1785

Lady in feathered hat by Charles Nicolas Guillon ,c.1780-90

Portrait of a Lady by Augustin Dubourg,after 1788

Unknown Lady by J.A.Debuisson,1789

Unknown Lady,c.1780s

Portrait of a youg Lady by unknown artist,c.1780s

Portrait of Jean Alut by Pierre Chasselat,1780-90

Portrait of a gentleman by Joseph Deranton,1780-90

Unknown gentleman by Adelaide Labille-Guiard,1780-90

Ivan Ivanovich Panaev by anon.,1790s

Unknown lady by Domenico Garbi,c.1790

Unknown lady by anon.,1790s

Gundaccar I, Prince of Colloredo-Mansfeld by Franz de Paula,c.1790

Unknown Lady by Jean-Baptiste Letellier,1790-91

The Countess Hrabianki and her daughters by Lesseuer,1792

Unknown gentleman by Louis Narcisse d' Aigremont,1792

Lady in a white dress by anon.,1792

Lady with Portrait Miniature at Black Bow by Conti,1793

Unknown Lady by Jean Pierre Thiboust,1794

Unknown gentleman by Pierre Rouvier,1794

Lady in brown riding costume by anon.,1795

Lady with white fichu by anon.,1796

Portrait of Nikolaus Esterházy by Heinrich Fueger,1797

Unknown gentleman by Wendelin Moosbrugger,1798

Elizaveta Shakhovskaya by Stroli,1790s

Unknown Lady by Charles Bourgeois,1790s

Portrait of général Cacault by anon.,1790s

Portrait of General Bard by anon.,c.1790

George Washington by Walter Robertson,1799

Portrait of a Deputy of the Convention by J.F. Garnerey,c.1790

Napoleon Bonaparte by Robert Lefevre,1790-1800

Mother with a child by Edouard Stroley,c.1800

Portrait of Marie Victoire Jaquotot by C.E.Guay,1800s

Portrait of a Lady by George Chinnery,c.1810

Lady with a guitar by Beaunis,1819

Unknown lady by Johann Friedrich Dietler,1827

Portrait of Mathilde von Clary by Peter Emanuel Thomas,1831

Lady in brown dress by Etienne  Bouchardy,1832

Lady in a white dress by anon.1833

Portrait of Pierre Paul Piquet de Bellet by Charles Quesnet,1841

Queen Marie Amelie of France by Millet,c.1850

Marie de Medici by Marie Victorie Aquitot,19th c


  1. catherine braganza not barbara

    1. Yes..thanks for pointing that out it's been fixed!

  2. "Portrait of a Lady,1780s" resembles the portrait of ducess de Bofort by Thomas Gainsborough from the Hermitage museum:
